These collages that emerged in 2023, take odd twists and turns and seem to be a myth or narrative, and they also dive into different variations from watercolor, drawing, colored pencils, paint, and reflective materials to glitter even.  Sometimes I wake up or gather an image or idea after my morning routine, and they seem to be a sequence to a degree in which parts of the narrative expand or theories begin to dominate my thoughts on the structure or nature of reality.  

Many are in some sort of drawing phase and then a few get finished around the same time.  They are numbered in the order they are produced not in the order that they fall into the narrative composition. Usually, a series will stick to one medium, but I actually see this as many phases of creation, and as such the Big Bang has many formal transformations and even spatial incongruencies or temporal hypocrisies depending on your point of view.  Because of the obscured access to our origins, we still cannot place the shape of the universe into law. And so, I decided to ratify it. One event at a time.

Mark Stafford The Recollection collage MS.2023.22

The Recollection

ink, collage, and reflective material.



Mark Stafford The Event Unfolding collage MS.2023.21

The Event Unfolding

collage and colored pencil.



Mark Stafford Quantum Atonement collage MS.2023.20

Quantum Atonement

collage and colored pencil.



Mark Stafford Under an Unusual Lense collage MS.2023.19

Under an Unusual Lense

ink, collage, and reflective material.



Mark Stafford Upon The Variant Occurance collage MS.2023.16

Upon the Variant Occurance. 

ink, collage, and reflective material.



Mark Stafford Veiled in the Stability of Form collage MS.2023.18

Veiled in the Stability of Form. 

collage and colored pencil.



Mark Stafford The Transfiguration and Conflict of Space Time and Identity collage MS.2023.09

The Transfiguration of Space, Time, and Identity. 

ink, collaged imagery, mirror.



Mark Stafford Behind the Curtain collage MS.2023.10

Behind the Curtain 

reflective material, paint, and ink.



Mark Stafford A pathway Dissolving into Vision collage MS.2023.007

A Pathway Dissolving into Vision

ink, collage, reflective film, and mirror.



Mark Stafford Scattered Within of Patterns Beyond collage MS.2023.11

Scattered Within of Patterns Beyond

ink, collaged imagery, mirror.



Mark Stafford A Standing Wave of a Dense Stillness Inscribes a New Order collage MS.2023.08

A Standing Wave of a Dense Stillness Inscribes a New Order

ink, reflective material, resin



Mark Stafford Scattered Within of Patterns Beyond collage MS.2023.11b

Scattered Within of Patterns Beyond 

3D rendering

dimensions undefined


Mark Stafford Transfiguration collage MS.2023.04


12 x 9" MS.2023.004

Mark Stafford Second Perspective collage MS.2023.05

Second Perspective

12 x 9" MS.2023.005

Mark Stafford Resonant Growth collage MS.2023.03

Resonant Growth

12 x 9" 2023 MS.2023.003

Mark Stafford Temporal Expression collage MS.2023.02

Temporal Expression

9 x 12"  MS.2023.002

Mark Stafford Multidirectional Time collage MS.2023.01

Multidirectional Time

9 x 12" MS.2023.001

Ecliptic view of time

9 x 12" 2021

The voicings between the octaves

9 x 12" 2021

Resonant Existance

9 x 12" 2021

roots of life

9 x 12" 2021

Congealing Space 

9 x 12" 2021

Dependent Arising

9 x 12" 2021

Orchestration of Organisms 

installation view of a private collection in Texas